Emission-oriented management of land-based freight transports
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- Zien, M., Kirschstein, T. (2022). A Rolling Horizon Model for Sorting Schemes and their Environmental Impacts in Marshalling Yards, in process
- Kirschstein, T., Heinold, A., Behnke, M., Meisel, F., Bierwirth, C.: Eco-Labeling of Freight Transport Services: Design, Evaluation and Research Directions, Journal of Industrial Ecology 26:3 (2022), 801–814, Link
- Zien, M., Kirschstein, T. (2021). Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Shunting Operations - A Simulation Study. In: Buscher, U., Lasch, R., Schönberger, J. (eds) Logistics Management. Link
- Behnke, M./Kirschstein, T./Bierwirth, C. (2021): A column generation approach for an emission-orientedvehicle routing problem on a multigraph, European Journal of Operational Research, 288(3), 794-809, Link .
- Behnke, M./ Kirschstein, T./ Bierwirth, C. (2020): Balancing Cost and Emission Preferences of Heterogeneous Customers in a VRP, in Proceedings of the TSL Second Triennial Conference, https://www.informs.org/content/download/382201/4156430/file/76_Martin_Behnke_tsl2020.pdf
- Behnke M. (2019): "Recent Trends in Last Mile Delivery: Impacts of Fast Fulfillment, Parcel Lockers, Electric or Autonomous Vehicles, and More", in: Bierwirth C., Kirschstein T., Sackmann D. (eds) Logistics Management. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer, Cham, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29821-0_10
- Kirschstein, T.; Bierwirth, C. (2018): The selective traveling salesman problem with emission allocation rules, OR Spectrum, 40(1), 97-124, Link , preview .
- Behnke, M.; Kirschstein, T.: The impact of path selection on GHG emissions in city logistics, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 106 (2017), 320-336, Link .
- Behnke, M.; Kirschstein, T.; Bierwirth, C.: An emission-minimizing vehicle routing problem with heterogenuous vehicles and pathway selection, in: Operations Research Proceedings 2016, 285-291.
- Kirschstein, T./ Meisel, F. (2015): "GHG-emission models for assessing the eco-friendliness of road and rail freight transports", Transportation Research Part B: Methodology, 73, 13-33, DOI:10.1016/j.trb.2014.12.004 .
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