
The research of the Chair of Production and Logistics is oriented on the design and control of manufacturing and material flow systems in industry and logistics. It is mainly quantitative and based on methods to the specific planning model, mathematical and heuristic optimization as well as simulation. Besides the theoretic research in the area of network planning and scheduling, there are application-oriented research projects that are dealt in cooperation with industry partners. Current research projects comprise planning processes in container terminals, the design of supply
chain networks, the optimal scheduling with due date objectives, the vehicle routing with synchronization constraints and stock-keeping models in hospitals.
Current Research Projects
- Emission-oriented management of land-based freight transports
- Decision support for intermodal
transportation - Integrated Planning of logistic Processes in
complex Production Networks - Integrated Planning Approaches for Seaport Container Terminals
- Extensions of Arc Routing Problems
Finished projects
- Combinatorial Optimization and Fitness Landscape AnalysisVehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization Requirements (GRF project)
- Design of Supply Networks under Service Constraints
- Job Shop Scheduling in Consideration of Due Dates
- Coordination in Networks of Transportation Providers
- Development of Stock-keeping Models in Hospital Logistics
- Logistics services under objectives of cost, service quality, and the environment