Integrated planning of logistical processes in complex production networks

Chemical network example
Short description
Often modern production processes are characterized by a huge amount of elements and interacting decision makers. Usually, the planning of such complex processes cannot be done by an "overall" model due to solvability or limited computational resources. Therefore, typically the overall production process is split in sub-processes and their corresponding planning objects/problems, which are representable and solvable. This approach is repeated on different levels of aggregation to cover different planning horizons. This results in the conception of modern advanced planning systems (APS).This procedure has the principle drawback, that the interdependencies between the sub-processes are not omitted or at least simplified. Hence, the necessity of interacting of the sub-models (i.e. (inter-)exchanging sub-model results) arises to obtain a "good" overall process configuration. Unfortunately, this approach usually not leads to the "global" optimum. This problem is addressed by integration of different sub-models. This is done either by the development of new models covering different planning problems explicitly or by the development of coordination procedures organizing the interaction between different sub-models, to obtain "global" optimum.
In this project a holistic approach for the integration of different sub-models should be developed focusing on logistical processes. This approach aims to embed sub-models in a simulation environment considering their interdependencies explicitly. This is done on the basis of a case study from the Dow Olefinverbund GmbH investigating the logistical and production processes in site network Schkopau/Böhlen/Leuna/Teutschenthal.
For modeling the different sub-processes the following techniques are used:
- Time series models for representing the production processes
- Linear programs for several logistical sub-problem
- Design of experiments methods for determining parameter effects and their interactions
All in all, the aim is to develop a decision support tool, that is able give a complete, valid overview about the interaction of all elements and parameters at the sites Schkopau/Böhlen/Leuna/Teutschenthal. Additionally, recommendations should be given for the logistic system's reconfiguration to increase overall performance.
Project related talk and publications
- Kirschstein, T.: Rail transportation planning in the chemical industry, accepted in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
- Kirschstein, T. (2018): "Planning of multi-product pipelines by economic lot scheduling models", European Journal of Operational Research, 264(1), 327-339, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.06.014 .
- Kirschstein, T.: Planning of multi-product one-to-one pipelines by
economic lot scheduling models, 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, 6.7.2016. - Kirschstein, T.: Integrated Supply Chain Planning in Chemical Industry, Logistikmanagement 2015, Braunschweig, 17.9.2015.
- Kirschstein, T. (2015): "Integrated Supply Chain Planning in Chemical Industry - Potentials of Simulation in Network Planning", SpringerGabler, New York, Link
- Kirschstein, T.; Bierwirth, C.: Balancing Chemical Production Networks by Railway Transports, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spanien), 17.07.2014.
- Meisel, F./ Kirschstein, T./ Bierwirth, C. (2013): "Integrated Production and Intermodal Transportation Planning in Large Scale Production-Distribution-Networks", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 60, 62-78, DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2013.10.003 .
- Kirschstein, T./ Meisel, F./ Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Production and Intermodal Transportation Planning in Large Scale Production-Distribution-Networks, Logistikmanagement 2013, Bremen, 12.09.2013.
- Kirschstein, T.: Integrated supply chain planning in chemical industry, research colloquium, Halle, 26.06.2013.
- Bierwirth, C.; Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F. (2012): On Transport Service Selection in Intermodal Rail/Road Distribution Networks, BuR - Business Research, 5, 198-219.
- Kirschstein, T.: An integrated train scheduling model under inventory and recurring rail car restrictions, 13th Doktorandenworkshop Nordost (Central German PhD workshop), Göttingen, 21.05.2011.
- Kirschstein, T.: Planning and optimization of integrated logistical activities in a large-scaled production network of the chemical industry, Betriebswirtschaftliches Doktorandenkolloquium, Halle/Saale, 15.07.2009.
- Kirschstein, T.: Kooperation zwischen dem Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereich und DOW, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Night of Science), Martin-Luther-University, Halle,03.07.2009.
- Kirschstein, T.: Planning and optimization of integrated logistical activities in a large scaled production network of the chemical industry, 11th Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop (Central German PhD workshop), Berlin, 29.05.2009.