Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Course program

The course programm inseminates basic skills on the management of production and logistics systems in industry and service economy.  In all courses a special focus is put on practical applications and technologies as well as quantative methods for decision support. The courses of the chair of Production and Logistics are part of the Bachelor programs BWL, WI, and Business Economics as well as the Master programs BWL and WI.

Course calender

C O U R S E - C A L E N D E R
Course title Program Type Lecturer ST WT
Bachelor modules
Produktion & Logistik BWL 180, WI 180, VWL 180, WiMa 180, WiWi 120, WiWi 60 L Bierwirth X
T Jahns X
Production & Logistics Business Economics 180 L Jahns/Bierwirth X
T Jahns X
Bachelorseminar BWL 180, VWL 180, WiWi 120 S Bierwirth (X) X
Management Science Techniken und Anwendungen BWL 180 S Bierwirth X
Master modules
Production Management BWL 120, WI 120, WiMa 120, Informatik 120 L Bierwirth X
T Wittig X
OM I: Supply Chain Management BWL 120, WI 120, WiMa 120 L Bierwirth X
T Fedorova X
Sustainable Logistics BWL 120, WI 120, WiMa 120 L Bierwirth X
T Wittig X
Seminar: Production and Logistics BWL 120 S Bierwirth (X) X
Master and PHD colloquium BWL 120 C Bierwirth and scientific staff X X
  • Details can be found on the courses' homepages (see links).
  • All information subject to modifications.
