Prof. Dr. Frank Meisel
Prof. Dr. Frank Meisel
room 101
Olshausenstr. 40
24098 Kiel
Prof. Dr. Meisel holds the chair for Supply Chain Management at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Curriculum Vitae
- Habilitation for business economics with the thesis "Papers on the Design and Operations of Production-, Distribution- and Service-Networks"
- since 10/2013 Temporary professorship for "Supply Chain Management" at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Link
- 10/2010-03/2011 Temporary professorship for "Logistics Management" at the University Bremen
- 04/2010-09/2010 Visiting researcher at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics, and Transportation (CIRRELT), Montréal, Canada, supported by DAAD PostDoc-program
- since 05/2009 Post-doc researcher (Habilitand) at the Chair for Production and Logistics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- 11/2008 received the degree of a Dr. rer. pol., title of the thesis: "Seaside Operations Planning in Container Terminals", Link
- 05/2004-04/2009 research assistant at the Chair for Production and Logistics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- 01/2004-04/2004 projects in cooperation with the Technical University Dresden, University Duisburg Essen and Amitech Germany Gmbh
- 03/2003-09/2003 student assitant at the Chair for Transport logistics
- 1998-2003 studied Traffic Engineering at the Techincal University of Dresden,
- born in 1979
Main research projects
My main research addresses the design and operations of production-, distribution-, and service-networks. Detailed information on current research projects can be found at the following sites:
- Design of supply networks with restricted order lead times
- Planning models for intermodal freight transportation
- Vehicle routing with synchronization requirements
- Logistics services under objectives of cost, service quality, and the environment
- Seaside operations planning in container terminals
Monographs and editorships
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F. (Eds.): Special issue "Maritime Logistics". European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 235(2), 2014, Link
- Meisel, F. : Seaside Operations Planning in Container Terminals. in series "Contributions to Management Science", Physica Verlag, Berlin et al., 2009, Table of contents (PDF) , Link
Reviewed contributions in international journals
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Design of Make-to-Order Supply Networks under Uncertainties using Simulation and Optimisation, International Journal of Production Research, in press, Link
- Meisel, F.; Thiele, N.: Where to dispose of urban green waste? Transportation planning for the maintenance of public green spaces, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 64 (2014), 147-162, Link
- Mankowska, D.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem with Interdependent Services, Health Care Management Science 17 (2014), 15-30, Link
- Meisel, F.; Kopfer, H.: Synchronized routing of active and passive means of transport, OR Spectrum 36 (2014), 297-322, Link to paper , Link to benchmark results
- Meisel, F.; Kirschstein, T; Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Production
and Intermodal Transportation Planning in Large Scale Production-Distribution-Networks, Transportation Research Part E 60 (2013), 62-78, Link - Goel, A.; Meisel, F.: Workforce Routing and Scheduling for Electricity Network Maintenance with Downtime Minimization, European Journal of Operational Research 231 (2013), 210-228, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A Framework for Integrated Berth Allocation and Crane Operations Planning in Seaport Container Terminals, Transportation Science 47 (2013), 131-147, Link
- Bierwirth, C.; Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.: On Transport Service Selection in Intermodal Rail/Road Distribution Networks, BuR - Business Research 5 (2012), 198-219, Link
- Legato, P.; Trunfio, R.; Meisel, F.: Modeling and Solving Rich Quay Crane Scheduling Problems, Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012), 2063-2078, Link
- Meisel, F.: The Quay Crane Scheduling Problem with Time Windows, Naval Research Logistics 58 (2011), 619-636, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A Unified Approach for the Evaluation of Quay Crane Scheduling Models and Algorithms, Computers & Operations Research 38 (2011), 683-693, Link to paper , Link to benchmark generator
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A Survey of Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Scheduling Problems in Container Terminals, European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010), 615-627, Link
- Meisel, F.; Wichmann, M.: Container Sequencing for Quay Cranes with Internal Reshuffles, OR Spectrum 32 (2010), 569-591, Link
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A fast Heuristic for Quay Crane Scheduling with Interference Constraints, Journal of Scheduling 12 (2009), 345-360, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Heuristics for the Integration of Crane Productivity in the Berth Allocation Problem. Transportation Research Part E 45 (2009), 196-209, Link
Reviewed contributions in proceedings and collections
- Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Eine Fallstudie zur taktischen Planung intermodaler Transporte in der chemischen Industrie, in: Proceedings of the 24. Traffic Science Days, Technical University Dresden, 2014, 1-6
- Goel, A.; Meisel, F.: A Matheuristic for Technician Routing with Task Synchronization, in: Fink, A.; Geiger, M. J. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 14th EU/ME Workshop, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg, 2013, 75-78
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Cargo Transfer Options, in: Günther, H.-O. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of LOGMS 2012, University Bremen, 2012, 417-427
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Routing of Home Care Staff Members with Synchronization Requirements. in: Tarantilis, Chr. et al. (Eds.): Odysseus 2012: Fifth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - Book of Extended Abstracts, Athens University of Economics & Business, Athens, 2012, 271-274
- Meisel, F.; Goel, A.: Workforce Routing and Scheduling for Maintenance Operations in Electricity Networks. in: Tarantilis, Chr. et al. (Eds.): Odysseus 2012: Fifth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - Book of Extended Abstracts, Athens University of Economics & Business, Athens, 2012, 255-258
- Meisel, F.: Multi-Period Supplier Selection and Supplier Development under Dynamic and Uncertain Demand, in: Bogaschewsky, R. et al. (Eds.): Supply Management Research, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2012, 3-27
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Spatial and Temporal Synchronization of Vehicles in Logistics Networks, in: Klatte, D.; Lüthi, H.-J.; Schmedders, K. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Springer-Verlag, 2012, 263-268, Link
- Mankowska, D.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Modelling the Synchronization of Transport Means in Logistics Service Operations, in: Böse, J. W. et al. (Eds.): Computational Logistics, LNCS 6971, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 74-85, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Simulationsgestütztes Design von auftragsgetriebenen Produktions- und Distributionsnetzwerken, in: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger J. (Eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cuvillier-Verlag, 2011, 198-208, Link
- Meisel, F.: Scheduling Seaside Resources at Container Terminals, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, online, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A technique to determine the right crane capacity for a continuous quay, in: Boese, J. W. (Ed.): Handbook of Terminal Planning, Springer-Verlag, 2011, 155-178, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: An Integrated Planning Methodology for Seaside Operations in Container Terminals. Odysseus 2009: Fourth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - Electronic Book of Extended Abstracts, Cesme (Türkei), 2009, 1-3
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Berth Allocation Problem with a Cut-and-Run Option, in: Fleischmann, B.; Borgwardt, K. H.; Klein, R.; Tuma, A. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2008, Springer-Verlag, 2009, 283-288, Link
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Seaside Operations Planning in a Container Terminal. in Benavent, E.; Campos, V.; Corberan, A.; Marti, R.; Mota, E.; Plana, I.; Sanchis, J.M. (Eds.): Odysseus 2006: Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - Book of Extended Abstracts, University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain), 2006, 250-252
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Integration of Berth Allocation and Crane Assignment to Improve the Resource Utilization at a Seaport Container Terminal, in: Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Schönberger, S. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2005, Springer-Verlag, 2006, PDF
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Route Construction for Security Inspection Walks. in Mattfeld, D.C.; Suhl, L. (Hrsg.): Informationssysteme in Transport und Verkehr, DS&OR Lab, Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, 2006, 151-160
- Meisel, F.: Praxisbezogene Funktionalitätsanforderungen an eine Tourenplanungssoftware und ihre Umsetzung durch einen Verfahrensverbund, in Lasch, R.; Janker, C.G. (Eds.): Logistik Management - Innovative Logistikkonzepte, Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2005, 333-343
Miscellaneous contributions
- Meisel. F.: Netzwerke als Instrument des Produktions- und Logistikmanagements: Ansätze zur Gestaltung und zum Betrieb von
Produktions-, Distributions- und Dienstleistungsnetzwerken, Betriebswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge 90 (2014), Martin-Luther-University, 1-30 - Meisel, F.; Rei, W.; Gendreau, M.; Bierwirth, C.: The Design of Supply Networks under Maximum Customer Order Lead Times, submitted for publication
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Guest Editorial of the Special Issue "Maritime Logistics", European Journal of Operational Research 235(2), 2014, S. 339-340
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: EURO Summer Institute on Maritime Logistics, Conference Report, OR News, 46 (2012), 64-65
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Berth Allocation and Crane Operations Planning in Seaport Container Terminals, Betriebswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge 86 (2011), Martin-Luther-University, 1-20
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Characterization and Generation of Benchmark Instances for Quay Crane Scheduling, Betriebswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge 81 (2010), Martin-Luther-University, 1-21
- Meisel, F.: Operational Planning and Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals, Betriebswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge 79 (2009), Martin-Luther-University, 1-28
- Meisel, F.: Odysseus 2009: Fourth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Conference Report, OR News, 37 (2009), 47-48
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A note on "A tabu search heuristic for the quay crane scheduling problem", working paper, Martin-Luther-University 2007, 1-6
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Synchronization in Vehicle Routing Problems - An Overview, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spain), 17.07.2014
- Meisel, F.; Talarico, L; Sörensen, K.: Ambulance Routing for Disaster Response with Patient Groups, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spain), 17.07.2014
- Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Eine Fallstudie zur taktischen Planung intermodaler Transporte in der chemischen Industrie, 24. Traffic Science Days, Technical University Dresden, 21.03.2014
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C., Kirschstein, T., Kawalek, A.: Effiziente Allokation von Transportressourcen bei Emissionsbeschränkung, Meeting of the Scientific Commission for Logistics, Kassel, 18.01.2014
- Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Production and Intermodal Transportation Planning in Large Scale Production-Distribution-Networks, Logistics Management 2013, Bremen, 12.09.2013
- Mankowska, D. S.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A Comparative Study of Computational Solution Methods for the Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem with Interdependent Services, OR 2013 - The International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam, 05.09.2013
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.; Kirschstein, T.: Combining Production Planning and Rail/Road Distribution Planning for a Multinational Supply-Network, OR 2013 - The International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam, 04.09.2013
- Mankowska, D.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem with Interdependent Services, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 03.07.2013
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A Framework for Berth Allocation, Crane Assignment, and Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 03.07.2013
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A Survey of Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Scheduling Problems in Container Terminals, invited talk, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 01.07.2013
- Kuhpfahl, J.; Bierwirth, C.: A new Method for the Evaluation of a Neighbor Solution in Local Search Procedures for Solving the JSPTWT, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 01.07.2013
- Meisel, F.; Goel, A.: Synchronization of Technician Routes and Maintenance Operations in Electricity Networks, SynchroTrans 2013, Mainz, 27.05.2013
- Goel, A.; Meisel, F.: A Matheuristic for Technician Routing with Task Synchronization, 14th EU/ME Workshop, Hamburg, 28.02.2013
- Meisel, F.: Intermodal Rail/Road Transportation - A Case Study from Europe, invited lecture, Jacobs University Bremen, 28.02.2013
- Meisel, F.: Planungsmodelle für die Abfertigung von Containerschiffen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, 04.02.2013
- Meisel, F.; Kopfer, H.: Heuristische Lösung von Tourenplanungsproblemen mit Synchronisationsanforderungen, Meeting of the Scientific Commission for Operations Research, Wuppertal, 01.02.2013
- Mankowska, D. S.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, Chr.: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization Requirements, Research meeting on synchronization in transport, University Mainz, 15.11.2012
- Meisel, F.; Kopfer, H.: Synchronized Routing of Active and Passive Means of Transport, Research meeting on synchronization in transport, University Mainz, 15.11.2012
- Meisel, F.; Goel, A.: Down-time Minimization in Electricity Network Maintenance, Annual Conference of the GOR, Hannover, 07.09.2012
- Mankowska, D.S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization Constraints for Multi-Services at Customers, Annual Conference of the GOR, Hannover, 06.09.2012
- Mankowska, D.S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Cargo Transfer Options, International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems 2012 (LOGMS 2012), Bremen, 22.08.2012
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Routing of Home Care Staff Members with Synchronization Requirements, Odysseus 2012, Fifth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos (Greece), 22.05.2012
- Meisel, F.; Goel, A.: Workforce Routing and Scheduling for Maintenance Operations in Electricity Networks, Odysseus 2012, Fifth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos (Greece), 22.05.2012
- Bierwirth, Chr.; Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.: Distribution Planning with Intermodal Road/Rail Transport Service Selection, Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, 25.04.2012
- Meisel, F.: Die Abfertigung von Containerschiffen unter Verwendung von Doppelspielen und schiffsinternen Repositionierungen, Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, 25.04.2012
- Meisel, F.: Multi-Period Supplier Selection and Supplier Development under Dynamic and Uncertain Demand, 5. Scientific Symposium "Supply Management" of the BME e.V., Würzburg, 06.03.2012
- Bierwirth, C.; Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.: On transport service selection in intermodal rail/road networks, BuR Conference 2012, Magdeburg, 27.02.2012
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Design of Logistics Networks for Make-To-Order Production, Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Produktionswirtschaft, 12.11.2011
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Spatial and Temporal Synchronization of Mobile Servers in Service Networks, Annual Conference of the GOR 2011, Zürich, 02.09.2011
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Design of Make-To-Order Supply Networks by Means of Simulation-Optimization, Annual Conference of the GOR 2011, Zürich, 31.08.2011
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Simulation-based Design of Make-to-order Production- and Distribution-Networks, VI. German-Russian Logistics-Workshop DR-LOG '11, Bremen, 13.5.2011
- Meisel, F.: Operations Planning for Berths and Quay Cranes at Seaport Container Terminals, invited lecture, Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp (ITMMA), Antwerp (Belgium), 17.02.2011
- Meisel, F.: Advances in Planning of Seaside Operations at Container Terminals, invited lecture, National University of Singapore (Singapore), 20.09.2010
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Benchmark Generation for Quay Crane Scheduling Problems, LOGMS 2010, Busan (Korea), 16.09.2010
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Scheduling Reshuffle Operations and Double Cycles on a Single Quay Crane, International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems 2010 (LOGMS 2010), Busan (Korea), 15.09.2010
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A Technique to Determine the
Right Crane Capacity for a Continuous Quay, 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon (Portugal), 13.07.2010 - Meisel, F.: The Design of Supply Networks under Maximum Customer Order Lead Times. Interuniversity Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT), Montréal (Canada), 25.05.2010
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Supply Chain Design with an Order Lead Time Constraint, Logistics Management 2009 (LM09), Hamburg, 03.09.2009
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Quay Crane Scheduling Problem with Time Windows, 23nd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, 06.07.2009
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Accelerating quay crane operations through double cycling and reshuffling, 23nd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, 06.07.2009
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: An integrated planning methodology for seaside operations in container terminals, Odysseus 2009, Fourth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Cesme (Turkey), 26.05.2009
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Berth Allocation and Crane Operations Planning in Container Terminals, The International Symposium on Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Systems (MLOG 2009), Singapore, 24.04.2009
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Berth Allocation Problem with a Cut-and-Run Option, Annual Conference of the GOR 2008, Augsburg, 04.09.2008
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Scheduling of quay cranes for a single vessel, 3rd German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management, Bremen, 30.08.2008
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Berth allocation with variable vessel handling times, 3rd German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management, Bremen, 29.08.2008
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Scheduling of quay cranes in container terminals, 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Sandton (South Afrika), 14.07.2008
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Berth Allocation and the Quay Crane Resource, 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Sandton (South Afrika), 14.07.2008
- Meisel, F.: Seaside Operations Planning in Containerterminals. 10. Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop, Hildesheim 10.05.2008
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Berth Allocation Planning Considering Quay Crane Productivity. OR07, Saarbrücken, 06.09.2007
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Quay Crane Scheduling with Interference Constraints, 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prag (Czech Republik), 09.07.2007
- Meisel, F.: Containerisierung und Logistik, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle, 06.07.2007
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Scheduling von Containerbrücken in Seehafen-Terminals, Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research, Duisburg, 09.02.2007
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Heuristic Solution of the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem. OR06, Karlsruhe 06.09.2006
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Seaside Operations Planning in a Container Terminal. Odysseus 2006: Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Altea (Spain) 26.05.2006
- Meisel, F.: Integrierte Planungsmodelle seeseitiger Umschlagsprozesse in Containerterminals. Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 10.05.2006
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Route Construction for Security Inspection Walks. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006, Passau 22.02.2006
- Meisel, F.: Praxisbezogene Funktionalitätsanforderungen an eine Tourenplanungssoftware und ihre Umsetzung durch einen Verfahrensverbund. Logistik-Management 2005, Dresden 06.10.2005
- Meisel, F., Bierwirth, C.: Integration of Berth Allocation and Crane Split to Optimize the Resource Utilization at a Sea Port Container Terminal. OR05, Bremen 09.09.2005
- Meisel, F.: Ein integriertes Planungsmodell für den Ressourceneinsatz in Seehafencontainerterminals. 7. Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop, Freyburg 03.06.2005
- Transportlogistik und intermodaler Verkehr (WiSe13/14)
- Operations Management (SoSe 12, WiSe 13/14)
- Produktionsmanagement (SoSe 09, SoSe 11)
- Production and Logistics (englischsprachiges Bachelorprogrammm, jedes Wintersemester seit WiSe 07/08)
- Supply Chain Management (WiSe 10/11)
- Supply Chain Management und Mesologistik (WiSe 10/11)
- Produktion und Logistik (Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie (VWA) Halle, WiSe 06/07, SoSe 07, WiSe 08/09)
- SBWL-Seminar zum Oberthema "Standortplanung im Supply Chain Management" (SoSe 11)
- Projektmodul zum Oberthema "Operatives Container Terminal Management" (WiSe 10/11)
- Projektmodul zum Oberthema "Standortplanung im SCM" (WiSe 10/11)
- SBWL-Seminar zum Oberthema "Terminalmanagement" (WiSe 06/07)
- Softwarepraktikum Logistik (SoSe 05)
Übungen und Tutorenprogramme:
- Operations Management (SoSe 12)
- Production and Logistics (englischsprachiges Bachelorprogrammm, SoSe 05, SoSe 06, WiSe 07/08)
- Transportwirtschaft (SoSe 05, WiSe 06/07)
- Aufbau und Leitung von Tutorenprogrammen für Grundstudiums- / Bachelorstudiumsvorlesungen (jedes Semester seit WiSe 08/09)