- Behnke, M.: "Recent Trends in Last Mile Delivery: Impacts of Fast Fulfillment, Parcel Lockers, Electric or Autonomous Vehicles, and more" LM 2019, 11th Logistics Management Conference of the Scientific Commission for Logistics (WK-LOG) of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Halle (Saale), 20/09/2019.
- Behnke, M.: "A Column Generation Approach for an Emission Minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem on a Multigraph" OR 2019, Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Dresden, 04/08/2019.
- Hildebrandt, T.: Lösungsansätze für das multiple depot capacitated arc routing problem mit offenenTouren. 21. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 10.05.2019
- Behnke, M.: "Concepts of CO2-reduction in land based freight transportation by emission allocation" Winter conference of VHB WK Logistics, Kassel, 25/01/2019.
- Hildebrandt, T.: Time capacitated arc routing problems for print media distribution with capacity issues. 3. OR-Doktoranden-Workshop, Berlin 18.10.2018
- Kirschstein, T./Bierwirth, C.: Eco-efficiency labels as instruments for emission reduction in freight transportation, Meeting of the Scientific Commission "sustainability management", Augsburg, 05.10.2018
- Hildebrandt, T.: Modelling variants of open and closed multiple depot capacitated arc routing problems for print media distribution with location issues. International Conference on Operations Research, Brüssel 12.09.2018
- Kirschstein, T./Meisel, F.: A multi-period multi-commodity lot-sizing problem with supplier selection, storage selection and discounts for the process industry, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, 11.07.2018
- Behnke, M.: "A Column Generation Approach for an Emission Minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem on a Multigraph" EURO 2018, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, 09/07/2018.
- Zien, M.: Planungsmodelle in Zugbildungsanlagen, Doktorandenworkshop Nordost, Drübeck, 07.06.2018
- Kirschstein, T.: Rail car inventory routing in chemical industry, Winter Meeting of the Scientific Commission "Logistics", Bremen, 13.01.2018
- Zien, M.: Planungsmodelle in Zugbildungsanlagen, OR-Doktorandenworkshop, Dresden, 14.12.2017
- Kirschstein, T.: Planning of multi-product one-to-one pipelines by
economic lot scheduling models, Meeting of the Scientific Commission "Production", Halle, 11.11.2017
- Kirschstein, T./ Liebscher, S.: Predicting the outcomes of professional darts tournaments, 21th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Quebec (Canada), 21.07.2017
- Behnke, M.: "Emission Oriented Transportation Management" 19. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost (DoWoNo), Breklum, 11.05.2017
- Bierwirth, C.; Corry, P.: A machine scheduling approach to the berth allocation problem under channel restrictions. 23.06.2017, OvG Magdeburg
- Behnke, M.: "Emission routing and pathway selection in urban areas" Doktorandenworkshop, Dresden, 20.10.2016
- Behnke, M.; Kirschstein, T.; Bierwirth, C.: An emission-minimizing vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous vehicles and pathway selection, Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Hamburg, 1.9.2016.
- Bierwirth, C.; Kirschstein, T.: The selective traveling salesmann problem with emission allocation rules. 28th EURO 2016 conference, 06.07.2016, Poznan
- Kirschstein, T.: Planning of multi-product one-to-one pipelines by
economic lot scheduling models, 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, 6.7.2016.
- Kirschstein, T; Bierwirth, C.: A selective traveling salesman problem with emission allocation rules, 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Oranjestad, 13.06.2016.
- Kirschstein, T.: Integrated Supply Chain Planning in Chemical Industry, GOR AG SCM, Köln, 30.10.15.
- Wagner, A.: Algorithms for solving the problem of locating a semi-obnoxious facility, Logistikmanagement 2015, Braunschweig, 17.9.15.
- Kirschstein, T.: Integrated Supply Chain Planning in Chemical Industry, Logistikmanagement 2015, Braunschweig, 17.9.15.
- Wagner, A.: Duality-Based Algorithms for Solving the Problem of Locating a Semi-Obnoxious Facility, International Conference on Operations Research in Wien, 03.09.2015.
- Bierwirth, C., Kirschstein, T.:Solving a pollution routing problem under emission allocation selection rules, International Conference on Operations Research in Wien, 02.09.2015.
- Wagner, A.: Algorithms for solving the problem of locating a semi obnoxious facility - An application of the geometric duality theory for linear vector optimization problems, 27th European conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, 14.07.2015.
- Kirschstein, T., Meisel, F., Bierwirth, C.: A bi-objective intermodal transportation planningproblem for large-scale distribution networks, 27th European conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, 13.07.2015.
- Hildebrandt, T.: Modellierungsansätze zur Tourenplanung bei der Zustellung von Printmedien, 17. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost (DoWoNo), Festenburg, 5.6.2015.
- Kirschstein, T., Meisel, F.: GHG-emission models for assessing the eco-friendlinessof road and rail freight transports, Odysseus 2015 - 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Ajaccio, 5.6.2015.
- Bierwirth, C.: Logistics in the Automotive Industry, Lecture invited by the EWHA (Womans University Seoul), Bremen, 16.02.2015
- Bierwirth, C., Mankowska, D. S., Meisel, F.: Tourenplanung in mobilen Pflegediensten, WK Logistik, Duisburg, 16.01.2015
- Mankowska, D. S., Bierwirth C., Meisel, D.: Synchronization Requriements in Vehicole Routing Problems, Workshop ''Optimierungsmethoden in der Logistik'', Halle, 09.12.2014
- Kirschstein, T.; Bierwirth, C.: Balancing Chemical Production Networks by Railway Transports, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spain), 17.07.2014
- Meisel, F.; Talarico, L; Sörensen, K.: Ambulance Routing for Disaster Response with Patient Groups, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spain), 17.07.2014
- Mankowska, D. S.; Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: Synchronization in Vehicle Routing Problems - An Overview, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spain), 17.07.2014
- Mankowska, D. S.: Modelle und Methoden zur Tourenplanung mit Fahrzeugsynchronisation, 16. PhD Workshop DoWoNo, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 22.05.2014
- Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Eine Fallstudie zur taktischen Planung intermodaler Transporte in der chemischen Industrie, 24. Traffic Science Days, Technical University Dresden, 21.03.2014
- Mankowska, D. S.: Synchronization in Vehicle Routing: Benders’ Decomposition for the Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem, 4th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2014), Bremen, 11.02.2014
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C., Kirschstein, T., Kawalek, A.: Effiziente Allokation von Transportressourcen bei Emissionsbeschränkung, Meeting of the Scientific Commission for Logistics, Kassel, 18.01.2014
- Kirschstein, T.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Integrated Production and Intermodal Transportation Planning in Large Scale Production-Distribution-Networks, Logistikmanagement 2013, Bremen, 12.09.2013.
- Mankowska, D. S.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A comparative study of computational solution methods for the Home Health CareRouting and Scheduling Problem with Interdependent Services, OR 2013 - The International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam, 05.09.2013
- Kuhpfahl, J.; Bierwirth, C.: A GRASP approach for the job shop scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing the total weighted tardiness, OR 2013 - The International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 05.09.2013
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.; Kirschstein, T.: Combining Production Planning and Rail/Road Distribution Planning for a Multinational Supply-Network, OR 2013 - The International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam, 04.09.2013
- Kuhpfahl, J.; Bierwirth, C.: A GRASP approach for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with minimizing the Total Weighted Tardiness, 6th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2013), Ghent (Belgium), 29.08.2013
- Mankowska, D. S.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: The Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem with Interdependent Services, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 03.07.2013
- Bierwirth, C.; Meisel, F.: A Framework for Berth Allocation, Crane Assignment, and Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 03.07.2013
- Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: A Survey of Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Scheduling Problems in Container Terminals, invited talk, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 02.07.2013
- Kuhpfahl, J.; Bierwirth, C.: A new Method for the Evaluation of a Neighbor Solution in Local Search Procedures for Solving the JSPTWT, EURO XXVI - European Conference on Operational Research 2013, Rom, 01.07.2013
- Kirschstein, T.: Integrated supply chain planning in chemical industry, Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, 26.06.2013
- Meisel, F.; Goel, A.: Synchronization of Technician Routes and Maintenance Operations in Electricity Networks, SynchroTrans 2013, Mainz, 27.05.2013
- Kuhpfahl, J.: Job Shop Scheduling unter Berücksichtigung von Fertigstellungsterminen, Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, 17.05.2013
- Goel, A.; Meisel, F.: A Matheuristic for Technician Routing with Task Synchronization, 14th EU/ME Workshop, Hamburg, 28.02.2013
- Meisel, F.: Intermodal Rail/Road Transportation - A Case Study From Europe, invited lecture, Jacobs University Bremen, 28.02.2013
- Meisel, F.: Planungsmodelle für die Abfertigung von Containerschiffen, eingeladener Vortrag, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, 04.02.2013
- Meisel, F.; Kopfer, H.: Heuristische Lösung von Tourenplanungsproblemen mit Synchronisationsanforderungen, Meeting of the Scientific Commission for Operations Research, Wuppertal, 01.02.2013
- Christian Bierwirth: Transport Service Selection in Intermodal Rail/Road Distribution Networks, invited talk, FernUniversität Hagen, 11.01.2013
- Christian Bierwirth: Presentation of the Chair Production und Logistics - Teaching, Research and Transfer, Workshop OR4LOG, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, 04.12.2012
- Dorota Slawa Mankowska, Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization Requirements, Research meeting on synchronization in transport, University Mainz, 15.11.2012
- Frank Meisel, Herbert Kopfer: Synchronized Routing of Active and Passive Means of Transport, Research meeting on synchronization in transport, University Mainz, 15.11.2012
- Frank Meisel, Asvin Goel: Down-time Minimization in Electricity Network Maintenance, Annual Conference of the GOR, Hannover, 07.09.2012
- Dorota Slawa Mankowska, Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronzation Constraints for Multi-Services at Customters, Annual Conference of the GOR, Hannover, 06.09.2012
- Dorota Slawa Mankowska, Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel, F.: A Vehicle Routing Problem with Cargo Transfer Options, LOGMS 2012 – The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, Bremen, 22.08.2012
- Jens Kuhpfahl, Christian Bierwirth: A GRASP Approach for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Weighted Tardiness Objective, EURO XXV 2012, European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius (Lithunia), 09.07.2012
- Dorota Slawa Mankowska, Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Routing of Home Care Staff Members with Synchronization Requirements, Odysseus 2012, Fifth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos (Greece), 22.05.2012
- Frank Meisel, Asvin Goel: Workforce Routing and Scheduling for Maintenance Operations in Electricity Networks, Odysseus 2012, Fifth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos (Greece), 22.05.2012
- Jens Kuhpfahl: Job Shop Scheduling with consideration of due dates, 14. PhD Workshop Nordost, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 11.05.2012
- Dorota Slawa Mankowska: Synchronisation Requirements in Vehicle Routing Problems, 14. PhD Workshop Nordost, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 10.05.2012
- Christian Bierwirth, Thomas Kirschstein, Frank Meisel: Distribution Planning with Intermodal Road/Rail Transport Service Selection, Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 25.04.2012
- Frank Meisel: Die Abfertigung von Containerschiffen unter Verwendung von Doppelspielen und schiffsinternen Repositionierungen, Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloqium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 25.04.2012
- Jens Kuhpfahl, Christian Bierwirth: A New Neighbourhood Operator for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Weighted Tardiness Objective, APMOD - International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling, Paderborn, 28.03.2012
- Frank Meisel: Multi-Period Supplier Selection and Supplier Development under Dynamic and Uncertain Demand, 5. Scientific Symposium "Supply Management" of the BME e.V., Würzburg, 06.03.2012
- Christian Bierwirth, Thomas Kirschstein, Frank Meisel: On transport service selection in intermodal rail/road networks, BuR Conference 2012, Magdeburg, 27.02.2012
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Gestaltung von Logistiknetzwerken für Auftragsfertiger, Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Produktionswirtschaft, Nürnberg, 12.11.2011
- Dorota S. Mankowska, Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Modelling the Synchronization of Transport Means in Logistics Service Operations, International Conference on Computational Logistics 2011, Hamburg, 21.09.2011
- Dorota S. Mankowska, Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Spatial and temporal synchronizatio of mobile servers in service networks, Annual Conference of the GOR 2011, Zurich, 02.09.2011
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: The Design of Make-To-Order Supply Networks by Means of Simulation-Optimization, Annual Conference of the GOR 2011, Zurich, 31.08.2011
- Jens Kuhpfahl, Christian Bierwirth: A Computational Study on Local Search Neighbourhoods for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with a Tardiness Objective, Annual Conference of the GOR / International Conference on Operations Research 2011, Zurich, 31.08.2011
- Jens Kuhpfahl, Christian Bierwirth: Computational Comparison of Neighbourhoods for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Weighted Tardiness Objective, 5th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications (MISTA), 2011, Phoenix (USA), 10.08.2011
- Thomas Kirschstein: An integrated train scheduling model under inventory and recurring rail car restrictions, 13th Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop, Göttingen, 21.05.2011
- Angela Herrmann: Inventory models for the supply of medical goods in hospitals, 13th Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop, Göttingen, 20.05.2011
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Simulation-based Design of Make-to-order Production- and Distribution-Networks, VI. German-Russian Logistics-Workshop DR-LOG '11, Bremen, 13.5.2011
- Frank Meisel: Operations Planning for Berths and Quay Cranes at Seaport Container Terminals, invited lecture at Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 17.2.2011
- Christian Bierwirth: Logistics in the Automotive Industry, Lecture invited by EWHA (Womans University Seoul), Halle, 04.02.2011
- Frank Meisel: Advances in Planning of Seaside Operations at Container Terminals, lecture invited by National University of Singapore, Singapore, 20.09.2010
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Benchmark Generation for Quay Crane Scheduling Problems, LOGMS 2010, Busan, Korea, 16.09.2010
- Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Scheduling Reshuffle Operations and Double Cycles on a Single Quay Crane, LOGMS 2010, Busan, Korea, 15.09.2010
- Christian Bierwirth: Carrier Collaboration in Less-than-truckload Transportation Markets, lecture invited by EWHA Womans University Seoul, Südkorea, 13.09.2010
- Angela Herrmann, Christian Bierwirth: Inventory Models for the Supply of Medical Consumable in Hospitals. International Conference Operations Research / Annual Conference of GOR 2010, Munich, 03.09.2010
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: A Technique to Determine the
Right Crane Capacity for a Continuous Quay, 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon (Portugal), 13.07.2010
- Christian Bierwirth: Fahrzeugsynchronisation in mobilen Servicenetzen. WK Logistik in VHB, Dresden, 03.07.2010
- Frank Meisel: The Design of Supply Networks under Maximum Customer Order Lead Times. Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT), Montréal (Canada), 25.05.2010
- Jens Kuhpfahl: Job Shop Scheduling under consideration of due dates. 12. Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop, Cottbus, 22.04.2010
- Dorota Mankowska: Vehicle routing with synchronization constraints. 12. Mitteldeutscher Doktorandenworkshop, Cottbus, 22.04.2010
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Supply Chain Design with an
Order Lead Time Constraint, Logistics Management 2009 (LM09), Hamburg, 03.09.09
- Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Accelerating quay crane operations through double cycling and reshuffling, 23nd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, 06.07.2009
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: The Quay Crane Scheduling Problem with Time Windows, 23nd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, 06.07.2009
- Thomas Kirschstein: Kooperation zwischen dem Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereich und DOW, Night of Science, Martin-Luther-University, Halle,03.07.2009
- Thomas Kirschstein: Planning and optimization of integrated logistical activities in a large scaled production network of the chemical industry, 11th Middle German PhD Workshop, Berlin, 29.05.2009
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: An integrated planning methodology for seaside operations in container terminals, Odysseus 2009, Fourth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Cesme (Turkey), 26.05.2009
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Berth Allocation and Crane Operations Planning in Container Terminals, The International Symposium on Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Systems (MLOG 2009), Singapore, 24.04.2009
- Angela Herrmann, Christian Bierwirth: Optimierung der internen Krankenhausversorgung durch quantitative Lagerhaltungssysteme, Annual Conference of the UNICO, Halle (Saale), 06.11.2008
- Susanne Berger, Christian Bierwirth: Network Coordination for Transport Service Providers: A Quantitative Analysis, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington D.C. (USA), 14.10.2008
- Angela Herrmann: Kostenoptimierung durch planungsbasierte Materialversorgung am Praxisbeispiel des Universitätsklinikums Halle, BME-Workshop "Einkauf und Logistik im Krankenhaus", Frankfurt (Main), 22.09.2008
- Angela Herrmann, Christian Bierwirth: Die krankenhausinterne Versorgung mit medizinischem Verbrauchsmaterial, Annual Conference of the GOR 2008, 04.09.2008
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: The Berth Allocation Problem with a Cut-and-Run Option, Annual Conference of the GOR 2008, Augsburg, 04.09.2008
- Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Scheduling of quay cranes for a single vessel, 3rd German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management, Bremen, 30.08.2008
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Berth allocation with variable vessel handling times, 3rd German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management, Bremen, 29.08.2008
- Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Scheduling of quay cranes in container terminals, 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Sandton (South Africa) 14.07.2008
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Berth Allocation and the Quay Crane Resource, 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Sandton (South Africa) 14.07.2008
- Frank Meisel: Seaside Operations Planning in Containerterminals. 10. Middle German PhD Workshop, Hildesheim 10.05.2008
- Angela Herrmann: Die krankenhausinterne Versorgung mit medizinischem Verbrauchsmaterial. 10. Middle German PhD Workshop, Hildesheim 09.05.2008
- Susanne Berger; Christian Bierwirth: Koordination unabhängiger Transportdienstleister: Eine modellgestütze Analyse von strategischem Verhalten, 13. Magdeburger Logistics-Conference, Magdeburg 06.03.2008
- Angela Herrmann, Christian Bierwirth: Entwurf eines zweistufigen Lagerhaltungsmodells für medizinisches Verbrauchsmaterial in Krankenhäusern, Logistik Management 2007, Regensburg, 27.09.2007
- Susanne Berger, Christian Bierwirth: Das kooperative Tourenplanungsproblem für Traveling Salesman Touren, GI 2007 (Workshop: Kollaboration in der Logistik), Bremen, 24.09.2007
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Berth Allocation Planning Considering Quay Crane Productivity. Annual Conference of the GOR 2007, Saarbrücken, 06.09.2007
- Susanne Berger, Christian Bierwirth: A Coordination Model for Carrier Networks, 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague (Czech Republic), 11.07.2007
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Quay Crane Scheduling with Interference Constraints, 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague (Czech Republic), 09.07.2007
- Frank Meisel: Containerisierung und Logistik, Night of Science, Martin-Luther-University, Halle, 06.07.2007
- Susanne Berger: Das Collaborative Carrier Vehicle Routing Problem, 9. Middle German PhD Workshop, Braunschweig, 26.04.2007
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Scheduling von Containerbrücken in Seehafen-Terminals, Conference of the Scientific Commission for Operations Research, Duisburg, 09.02.2007
- Angela Hantschmann, Christian Bierwirth: Ein Bestellmengenmodell für die Modulversorgung in Krankenhäusern, GOR-Conference: Supply Network and Logistics Management – Decision Support, Information Systems and OR Tools, St. Leon-Rot, 03.02.07
- Christian Bierwirth, Frank Meisel: Scheduling gleisgeführter Containerbrücken unter Berücksichtigung von Sicherheitsabständen, Winter Conference 2007 of the Scientific Commission for Logistics, Halle 19.01.2007
- Angela Hantschmann: Entwicklung von Lagerhaltungsmodellen in der Krankenhauslogistik. Business Research Colloquium of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 17.01.2007
- Angela Hantschmann, Christian Bierwirth: Die Optimierung der Materialversorgung im Universitätsklinikum Halle. Administration Department of the Clinical Centre of the Martin-Luther-University, Halle 12.12.2006
- Christian Bierwirth: Job-Routing in vernetzten Produktionsstrukturen. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Institute of Optimization and Stochastic), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 14.11.2006
- Angela Hantschmann, Christian Bierwirth: Ein Bestellmengenmodell für die Modulversorgung im Krankenhaus. Annual Conference of the GOR 2006, Karlsruhe 08.09.2006
- Susanne Berger, Christian Bierwirth: A Coordination Model for Transportation Networks. Annual Conference of the GOR 2006, Karlsruhe 07.09.2006
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Heuristic Solution of the Quay Crane Scheduling Model. Annual Conference of the GOR 2006, Karlsruhe 06.09.2006
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Integrated Seaside Operations Planning in a Container Terminal. Odysseus 2006: Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Altea (Spain) 26.05.2006
- Susanne Berger, Christian Bierwirth: A Coordination Model for Transportation Networks. Odysseus 2006: Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Altea (Spain) 24.05.2006
- Angela Hantschmann: Ein Bestellmengenmodell für die Modulversorgung im Krankenhaus. 8. Middle German PhD Workshop, Goslar 19.05.2006
- Sven Stück: Integrierte Planung von Lieferabrufen und Transporten in einem Automobilkonzern. 8. Middle German PhD Workshop, Goslar 19.05.2006
- Frank Meisel: Integrierte Planungsmodelle seeseitiger Umschlagsprozesse in Containerterminals. Business Research Colloquium of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 10.05.2006
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Route Construction for Security Inspection Walks. Multi-Conference Information Management 2006, Passau 22.02.2006
- Christian Bierwirth, Susanne Berger: Die Koordination von Transportdienstleistern in Netzwerken. WK Operations Research in VHB, Frankfurt(Oder) 11.02.2006
- Susanne Berger: Koordination in Transportnetzwerken. Business Research Colloquium of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 11.01.2006
- Christian Bierwirth: Infrastrukturplanung und Prozessplanung: Wenn technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Anforderungen aufeinander prallen. VDI, Halle 07.12.2005
- Frank Meisel: Praxisbezogene Funktionalitätsanforderungen an eine Tourenplanungssoftware und ihre Umsetzung durch einen Verfahrensverbund. Logistics Management 2005, Dresden 06.10.2005
- Susanne Berger, Christian Bierwirth: Koordination von Transportprozessen auf Basis einer dezentralen Tourenplanung. Annual Conference of the GOR 2005, Bremen 07.09.2005
- Frank Meisel, Christian Bierwirth: Integration of berth allocation and crane split to optimize the resource utilization at a sea port container terminal. Annual Conference of the GOR 2005, Bremen 09.09.2005
- Christian Bierwirth: Intelligent Hochstapeln – Vom Nutzen der Biologie in der Logistik. 4. Long Night of Science, Halle 01.07.2005
- Frank Meisel: Ein integriertes Planungsmodell für den Ressourceneinsatz in Seehafencontainerterminals. 7. Middle German PhD Workshop, Freyburg 03.06.2005
- Christian Bierwirth: Logistik: Fronten der Entwicklung in Distribution und Transport. Inaugural lecture, Halle 07.07.2004
- Susanne Berger: Modellgestützte Vermittlung von Frachtaufträgen auf einer kooperativen Transportplattform. 6. Middle German PhD Workshop, Wendgräben 10.06.2004
- Christian Bierwirth: Landscape Regularity and Random Walks for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. 4th European Conference, EvoCOP 2004, Coimbra 06.04.2004
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