Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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M. Sc. Thomas Hildebrandt


M. Sc. Thomas Hildebrandt

room 318 [3.Etage]
Große Steinstraße 73
06108 Halle (Saale)

phone: (0345) 55-23426
fax: (0345) 55-27198

Office hours

Thursday: 10:00 - 11:00 a. m.

Curriculum Vitae

  • born in 1982
  • 2007 - 2014 studied Business Studies at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • 10/2013 - 09/2014 student assistant at the Chair for Production and Logistics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • since 12/2014 research assistant at the chair for Production and Logistics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

Main research

Extensions of Arc Routing Problems

The topic of this research is to study extensions of classic Arc Routing Problems with respect to specific fields of application. In contrast to node oriented Routing Problems the demands in Arc Routing Problems are located at the edges of a network. Snow ploughing, spreading salt or postal delivery are some real world applications for this problem category. The issue of this research is to analyse and develop extensions of classical Arc Routing Problems e.g. by introducing multiple depots, multiple edge weights, and heterogeneous vehicles to better model real world problems. Furthermore new mixed integer models and heuristics for these extensions will be derived.

Details can be found here.


  • Hildebrandt, T.; Bierwirth, C.: Distributionsplanung von Printmedien unter Berücksichtigung der Umstellung von Stück- auf Zeitlohn, in: Roy Fritzsche et al. (Hrsg.): Logistik in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2021.   
  • Hildebrandt, T./ Kühnel, S. (2016): "Tourenplanung im Operations Research", WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, WISU Kompakt, Basiswissen Wirtschaftsmathematik, 45 Jg., Heft 8-9/2016, S.896-898.


  • Hildebrandt, T.: Modellierungsansätze zur Tourenplanung bei der Zustellung von Printmedien. 17. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 05.06.2015
  • Hildebrandt, T.: Tourenplanung kantenorientierter Rundreiseprobleme. Forschungskolloquium der Betriebswirte und Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Halle (Saale) 16.11.2016
  • Hildebrandt, T.: Modelling variants of open and closed multiple  depot capacitated arc routing problems for print media distribution with  location issues. International Conference on Operations Research, Brüssel 12.09.2018
  • Hildebrandt, T.: Time capacitated arc routing problems for print
    media distribution with capacity issues. 3. OR-Doktoranden-Workshop, Berlin 18.10.2018
  • Hildebrandt, T.: Lösungsansätze für das multiple depot capacitated arc routing problem mit offenenTouren. 21. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 10.05.2019


  • Management of the tutor program for "Production and Logistics" WS 2015/2016
  • Supervision of theses and student projects
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2015
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2016
  • Exercise Transportation Logistics winter term 2016/17
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2017
  • Exercise Transportation Logistics winter term 2017/18
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2018
  • Exercise Transportation Logistics winter term 2018/19
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2019
  • Exercise Transportation Logistics winter term 2019/20
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2020
  • Exercise Transportation Logistics winter term 2020/21
  • Exercise Produktionsmanagement summer term 2021

other activities

  • Member of the selection committee for applications to the Master Program Business Administration (120 credit points)
  • Realization of the Kick-Off-Event for the Master Program Business Administration (120 credit points)
  • Course guidance for the Master Program Business Administration (120 credit points)
  • Organization of excursions to local companies
  • Restructuring of the Master Program in Business Administration (120 credit points)
