Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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EGRASP for solving job shop scheduling problems with total weighted tardiness objective

This page provides the solution procedure EGRASP whch is presented in the paper "Extended GRASP for solving the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Weighted Tardiness Objective" (submitted for publication). The executable files can be found in Please read first the Readme.txt within the zip folder.

Moreover, the page provides several benchmark instances known from literature as extensible markup language file (XML).

Finally, several new best solution for the benchmark set of Lawrence are found using EGRASP. These solutions are downloadable as well.

Note that the solution procedure and the instance files are based on LiSA - Library of Scheduling Algorithms. For more information, see:   

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jens Kuhpfahl (

Solution Procedure EGRASP (181,2 KB)  vom 27.08.2014

Benchmark Instances of the JSPTWT (la,ft,orb) (178,1 KB)  vom 26.08.2014

New best solutions for several la instances (14,9 KB)  vom 26.08.2014

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